Home (3rd base dugout)
**AA & UP: Score Keep – if a scorekeeper from your team is unavailable, it is the manager’s responsibility to score keep from inside the scorekeeper’s box.
Field Responsibilities: POST-GAME FIELD CLEAN UP
- Rake the infield dirt, base paths, pitcher’s mound, and home plate areas
Last game of the day? Don’t forget to:
- Put bases away and insert base plugs
- Coil hose and put away
- Return chalker to storage
- Ensure storage closet is locked and key is returned to lock box
Visitor (1st base dugout)
**AA & UP: Pitch Count – if a pitch counter from your team is unavailable, it is the manager’s responsibility to pitch count from inside the scorekeeper’s box.
Field Responsibilities: PRE-GAME FIELD PREP
If you are the first game of the day:
- rake and water the infield dirt, base paths, pitcher’s mound and home plate areas. Pull base plugs out (store in storage area) and place bases
- Water the infield dirt, base paths, pitcher’s mound and home plate areas
- Chalk baselines and batter’s box
- Place bases
- It is the Manager's responsibility to control his/her team's parents and their guests.
- Your team parents should not coach during the game, but should show encouragement and positive attitude to all players, parents, umpires & volunteers.
- Support all of your players and encourage good sportsmanship. Enjoy yourself at the games by letting your players play - Remember the game is for THE KIDS!
- Behave in a responsible manner and avoid, under all circumstances, the urge to yell, belittle, or jeer at the kids, umpires, the other coaches, and/or other adults.
- No smoking or alcoholic beverages are allowed at practices or games.
- Inspect team equipment and helmets regularly and have broken items replaced and illegal bats and helmets removed from play.
- Each Team is responsible for obtaining a sponsor. Ask your team parents to help.
- Become Familiar with and hold to all Little League Rules and NLL Standing Ground Rules.
- The Manager is responsible for every child until ALL of them have been picked up - This includes both practices & games.
- All Managers, Coaches, and Team Moms shall have a volunteer application on file with and be approved by the NLL Board.
- Arrive promptly and have your team ready to practice infield at all scheduled games.